Saturday, June 26, 2010

F major 9 Guitar Chord

Following our series of triads, today's Guitar Chord of the Day is a chord that's a little more harmonically complex but very easy to play:  F major 9

F Major9 Guitar Chord

Here's the fingering for this chord, the open strings give a nice ringing quality to the chord and it's easy to play!
F major9 guitar chord

Major 9 guitar chords can be replace major 7th chords replacing chords I and IV chords in major keys.
Major 9 guitar chords use these degrees of the major scale: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
F major 9 uses these notes: F, A C, E, G
Our guitar chord uses the notes in this order: F, G, A, E

As you can see this inversion has no 5th (C), it's common to leave this note out.

Tune in tomorrow for another Guitar Chord Of The Day

Following our series of triads, today's Guitar Chord of the Day is a chord that's a little more harmonically complex but very easy to play:  F major 9
F Major9 Guitar Chord

Here's the fingering for this chord, the open strings give a nice ringing quality to the chord and it's easy to play!
F major9 guitar chord

Major 9 guitar chords can be replace major 7th chords replacing chords I and IV chords in major keys.
Major 9 guitar chords use these degrees of the major scale: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
F major 9 uses these notes: F, A C, E, G
Our guitar chord uses the notes in this order: F, G, A, E

As you can see this inversion has no 5th (C), it's common to leave this note out.

Tune in tomorrow for another Guitar Chord Of The Day


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