Today's Guitar Chord of the Day is C7#9. 7#9 chord's are commonly known by guitarist's as 'The Hendrix Chord', though jazzer's prefer to call them altered chords. We've featured a few other Hendrix chords and altered jazz guitar chords in previous posts.
7#9 chords use these degrees of the major scale: 1, 3, 5, b7, #9
C7#9 uses the notes: C, E, G,Bb, D#
Our inversion uses the notes in this order: E, Bb, Eb, C
Subscribe to the RSS feed and tune in tomorrow for another Guitar Chord Of The Day Today's Guitar Chord of the Day is C7#9. 7#9 chord's are commonly known by guitarist's as 'The Hendrix Chord', though jazzer's prefer to call them altered chords. We've featured a few other Hendrix chords and altered jazz guitar chords in previous posts.
7#9 chords use these degrees of the major scale: 1, 3, 5, b7, #9
C7#9 uses the notes: C, E, G,Bb, D#
Our inversion uses the notes in this order: E, Bb, Eb, C
Subscribe to the RSS feed and tune in tomorrow for another Guitar Chord Of The Day
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