Today's Guitar Chord of the Day is E minor 69. We've played other minor69 guitar chords here. This chord has it's root note on the the G string of the guitar and uses the first finger to barre across the B and top E strings.
E minor69 uses these notes: E, G, B, F#, C#
Today's guitar inversion uses the notes in this order: G, C#, E, F#, B
Minor 69 chords are usually used as chord i in minor keys, but can also be played as chord ii in major keys.
Subscribe to the RSS feed and tune in tomorrow for another Guitar Chord Of The Day Today's Guitar Chord of the Day is E minor 69. We've played other minor69 guitar chords here. This chord has it's root note on the the G string of the guitar and uses the first finger to barre across the B and top E strings.
E minor69 uses these notes: E, G, B, F#, C#
Today's guitar inversion uses the notes in this order: G, C#, E, F#, B
Minor 69 chords are usually used as chord i in minor keys, but can also be played as chord ii in major keys.
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