Today we start a new occasional mini-series on Guitar Chords that mix fretted notes and harmonics , today's Guitar Chord of the Day is E add9.
Mixing fretted notes and guitar harmonics is a great way to add some more tonal color to your guitar chords. As mentioned in our previous post on guitar harmonics chords, the harmonics are indicated by the diamond shapes and are played by resting your finger lightly on the string and removing it once the string is sounding.
Add 9 chords can replace almost all major chords. It can replace chords I , IV and V in major keys.
Add 9 chords use these degrees of the major scale: 1, 3, 5, 9
E add9 uses the notes: E, G#, B, F#
Our inversion uses the notes in this order: E, G#, B, F#, B, E
Subscribe to the RSS feed and tune in tomorrow for another Guitar Chord Of The Day. Today we start a new occasional mini-series on Guitar Chords that mix fretted notes and harmonics , today's Guitar Chord of the Day is E add9.
Mixing fretted notes and guitar harmonics is a great way to add some more tonal color to your guitar chords. As mentioned in our previous post on guitar harmonics chords, the harmonics are indicated by the diamond shapes and are played by resting your finger lightly on the string and removing it once the string is sounding.
Add 9 chords can replace almost all major chords. It can replace chords I , IV and V in major keys.
Add 9 chords use these degrees of the major scale: 1, 3, 5, 9
E add9 uses the notes: E, G#, B, F#
Our inversion uses the notes in this order: E, G#, B, F#, B, E
Subscribe to the RSS feed and tune in tomorrow for another Guitar Chord Of The Day.
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