Today's Guitar Chord of the Day is Cminor. Cminor can also be written as Cm, Cmin or even C- these symbols all represent the same chord. We'll look at two different fingerings of the Cminor chord, one easy version that doesn't require a barre and a slightly more tricky version that requires a barre on the 3rd fret.
This first fingering involves playing only the top four strings.
The next inversion is very similar but uses a barre at the 3rd fret. Here, you lay your first finger just behind the 3rd fret across the top 5 strings.
Minor chords are constructed using these scale degrees: 1, b3, 5
Cminor uses these notes = C, Eb, G
Browse through more chords and explore other Guitar Chords using labels or the search box. Today's Guitar Chord of the Day is Cminor. Cminor can also be written as Cm, Cmin or even C- these symbols all represent the same chord. We'll look at two different fingerings of the Cminor chord, one easy version that doesn't require a barre and a slightly more tricky version that requires a barre on the 3rd fret.
This first fingering involves playing only the top four strings.
The next inversion is very similar but uses a barre at the 3rd fret. Here, you lay your first finger just behind the 3rd fret across the top 5 strings.
Minor chords are constructed using these scale degrees: 1, b3, 5
Cminor uses these notes = C, Eb, G
Browse through more chords and explore other Guitar Chords using labels or the search box.
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