Today's Guitar Chord of the Day is F# major. This guitar chord is played using a half-barre, where the first finger frets the top two strings.
This can be played by moving an F major chord up 1 fret, in fact you can play any major chord by moving this chord around the fretboard:
- 1st fret: F major
- 2nd fret: F#/Gb major
- 3rd fret: G major
- 4th fret: G#/Ab major
- 5th fret: A major
- 6th fret: A#/Bb major
- 7th fret: B major
- 8th fret: C major
- 9th fret: C#/Db major
- 10th fret: D major
- 11th fret: D#/Eb major
- 12th fret: E major
This can be played by moving an F major chord up 1 fret, in fact you can play any major chord by moving this chord around the fretboard:
- 1st fret: F major
- 2nd fret: F#/Gb major
- 3rd fret: G major
- 4th fret: G#/Ab major
- 5th fret: A major
- 6th fret: A#/Bb major
- 7th fret: B major
- 8th fret: C major
- 9th fret: C#/Db major
- 10th fret: D major
- 11th fret: D#/Eb major
- 12th fret: E major
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