Friday, February 8, 2013

F Guitar Chord | Beginners Guitar Chords

Today's guitar chord of the day, is another guitar chord for beginners. After mastering the open chords, the next tricky chord to learn is Fmajor. This is a really useful chord because it's used lots in very common keys.

The F Major guitar takes a little bit of practice and is often the first chord that beginners learn to play using a barre. This is where one finger is laid flat to hold down more than one string. In this case the first finger is laid flat over the top E and B strings at the first fret. Using the edge of your finger rather than placing your finger flat helps the notes to sound clearly.

f major guitar chord | beginner guitar chords
F guitar chord | half-barre

Once you have your first finger holding down the E and B strings at the 1st fret, place your 2nd finger on the 2nd fret of the G string, and your 3rd finger on the 3rd fret of the D string. The A and bottom E strings are not played in this chord inversion. Here's the fingering for this guitar chord shape:
F guitar chord shape

If you've got the hang of this, you can also play the F major chord as a barre chord. Here the first finger is lying across all of the strings on the 1st fret. It takes a little more practice to play, but it does mean you can play all 6 strings.
f major barre chord | guitar chords
F major barre chord

And here's the fingering for F Barre Chord, it's still written as F major (or just plain F) but we're using a barre with our finger to play it:
F major barre chord

Practice changing between the Fmajor chord and the C major chord and try working through all of the beginner guitar chords listed here.

Today's guitar chord of the day, is another guitar chord for beginners. After mastering the open chords, the next tricky chord to learn is Fmajor. This is a really useful chord because it's used lots in very common keys.

The F Major guitar takes a little bit of practice and is often the first chord that beginners learn to play using a barre. This is where one finger is laid flat to hold down more than one string. In this case the first finger is laid flat over the top E and B strings at the first fret. Using the edge of your finger rather than placing your finger flat helps the notes to sound clearly.
f major guitar chord | beginner guitar chords
F guitar chord | half-barre

Once you have your first finger holding down the E and B strings at the 1st fret, place your 2nd finger on the 2nd fret of the G string, and your 3rd finger on the 3rd fret of the D string. The A and bottom E strings are not played in this chord inversion. Here's the fingering for this guitar chord shape:
F guitar chord shape

If you've got the hang of this, you can also play the F major chord as a barre chord. Here the first finger is lying across all of the strings on the 1st fret. It takes a little more practice to play, but it does mean you can play all 6 strings.
f major barre chord | guitar chords
F major barre chord

And here's the fingering for F Barre Chord, it's still written as F major (or just plain F) but we're using a barre with our finger to play it:
F major barre chord

Practice changing between the Fmajor chord and the C major chord and try working through all of the beginner guitar chords listed here.


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